Federal Contracting Alliance




Become a Preferred Vendor!

Businesses meeting certain socio-economic qualification criteria are eligible for favorable government and private set-aside and sole source contract awards. Certifications and the GSA (MAS) Schedule open doors to more contracting opportunities!

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Become a Preferred Vendor!

Businesses meeting certain socio-economic qualification criteria are eligible for favorable government and private set-aside and sole source contract awards. Certifications and the GSA (MAS) Schedule open doors to more contracting opportunities!

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About Us.2 2

Become a Preferred Vendor!

Businesses meeting certain socio-economic qualification criteria are eligible for favorable government and private set-aside and sole source contract awards. Certifications and the GSA (MAS) Schedule open doors to more contracting opportunities!

About Us.3

SBA Certifications

Empowering Businesses: SBA Certifications open doors to opportunities! Small Business Administration certifications validate your business, enhancing eligibility for federal contracts and funding.

About Us.3

SBA Certifications

Empowering Businesses: SBA Certifications open doors to opportunities! Small Business Administration certifications validate your business, enhancing eligibility for federal contracts and funding.

About Us.3

SBA Certifications

Empowering Businesses: SBA Certifications open doors to opportunities! Small Business Administration certifications validate your business, enhancing eligibility for federal contracts and funding.

State and Local Registrations

Take advantage of State and Local government contracts available in your own backyard. Certification also adds to your credibility in the private sector and expands your market opportunities.

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State and Local Registrations

Take advantage of State and Local government contracts available in your own backyard. Certification also adds to your credibility in the private sector and expands your market opportunities.

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State and Local Registrations

Take advantage of State and Local government contracts available in your own backyard. Certification also adds to your credibility in the private sector and expands your market opportunities.

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GSA (MAS) Schedule Registration

Become a preferred vendor on the GSA (MAS) Schedule with a 5-year government-wide contract. Shorten and simplify the sales process with pre-negotiated pricing and terms in the government’s online portal.

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GSA (MAS) Schedule Registration

Become a preferred vendor on the GSA (MAS) Schedule with a 5-year government-wide contract. Shorten and simplify the sales process with pre-negotiated pricing and terms in the government’s online portal.

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GSA (MAS) Schedule Registration

Become a preferred vendor on the GSA (MAS) Schedule with a 5-year government-wide contract. Shorten and simplify the sales process with pre-negotiated pricing and terms in the government’s online portal.

For Immediate Assistance Call (888) 405-4541

For Immediate Assistance Call (888) 405-4541

For Immediate Assistance Call (888) 405-4541